
Ali Khan

1 films

  • Drama / Adventure

    K2 Vod


    Franc Roddam (1991)

    Taylor and Harold are good friends and avid climbers. While climbing one day, they meet a man who it seems might be attempting to climb K2, the world's second-highest peak. Always pushy, Taylor bugs the man for a spot on the team, claiming that he and Harold are good enough. They may be very good, but K2 is a very tough mountain.

    Japan, UK, USA / 102 min


    Franc Roddam

    • 1991
    • Japan, UK, USA
    • 102 min
    Taylor and Harold are good friends and avid climbers. While climbing one day, they meet a man who it seems might be attempting to climb K2, the world's second-highest peak. Always pushy, Taylor bugs the man for a spot on the team, claiming that he and Harold are good enough. They may be very good, but K2 is a very tough mountain.

    Climbing locations


    DVD / BLU-RAY Video on Demand


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