
Louise Osmond

2 films

  • Documentary / Making Of

    The making of the beckoning silence DVD

    The making of the beckoning silence

    James Tovell (2007)

    The footage for the Making of The beckoning silence was shot by art director James Tovel while working in the movie. The documentary, made for the DVD extras, is mostly on how the action scenes were filmed. It follows the team while filming on the wall and includes the comments of Joe Simpson and the film crew. The images are accompanied by the comments of Brian Hall, mountain safety supervisor, who is interviewed at the studio.

    UK / 24 min

    The making of the beckoning silence

    James Tovell

    • 2007
    • UK
    • 24 min
    The footage for the Making of The beckoning silence was shot by art director James Tovel while working in the movie. The documentary, made for the DVD extras, is mostly on how the action scenes were filmed. It follows the team while filming on the wall and includes the comments of Joe Simpson and the film crew. The images are accompanied by the comments of Brian Hall, mountain safety supervisor, who is interviewed at the studio.

    Climbing locations


  • Documentary / Historical

    The beckoning silence Vod

    The beckoning silence

    Louise Osmond (2007)

    Joe Simpson, whose battle for survival featured in 'Touching the Void', travels to the Eiger to tell the story of one of mountaineering's most epic tragedies. Toni Kurz was a brilliant mountaineer who in 1936 tried to be the first to conquer the north face of the Eiger. The climb started well, but disaster struck and Kurz's climbing colleagues were killed, leaving him alone and fighting for his life. The Beckoning Silence recounts Kurz's heroic battle for survival but it also forces Simpson to confront some fundamental questions of his own. Why continue climbing when you have come so close to oblivion?

    UK / 75 min

    The beckoning silence

    Louise Osmond

    • 2007
    • UK
    • 75 min
    Joe Simpson, whose battle for survival featured in 'Touching the Void', travels to the Eiger to tell the story of one of mountaineering's most epic tragedies. Toni Kurz was a brilliant mountaineer who in 1936 tried to be the first to conquer the north face of the Eiger. The climb started well, but disaster struck and Kurz's climbing colleagues were killed, leaving him alone and fighting for his life. The Beckoning Silence recounts Kurz's heroic battle for survival but it also forces Simpson to confront some fundamental questions of his own. Why continue climbing when you have come so close to oblivion?

    Climbing locations


    DVD / BLU-RAY Video on Demand


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