Drama / Romantic Drama
- 1921
- UK
- 40 min
David Gordon is in love and engaged to be married to Kate Nugent. But the sinister figure of Austen Hawke, Gordon's rival, threatens to eclipse the wedding and wreck Gordon's one chance of true happiness. Gordon will throw Austen over a cliff in a climbing excursion in the Scafell Pike area, but finally he will find all was a dream. A vintage love story and a tale of blackmail based on A.E.W. Mason’s book. The film was produced by Stoll Pictures, Britain's biggest studio of the silent era and features Milton Rosmer.Climbing locations
Drama / Mountain Drama
- 1938
- UK
- 76 min
During an early, unsuccessful attempt at climbing the Matterhorn, Edward Whymper finds himself rescued by an italian guide, Jean Antoine Carrel. The two men quickly build a friendship and agree to reach the peak together. However, local villagers ploto to divide the alliance of Whymper and Carrel and both men join rival teams as they set out in a race to conquer the mountain. A mountaineering drama based on the novel by Carl Haensel and inspired in the dramatic true story of Edward Whymper, who led the first successful ascent of the Matterhorn in 1865. There is another version of the film titled Der Berg Ruft, shot the same year in German.Climbing locations