Film classification
A quick way to identify films
To let users quickly identify what kind of film is each movie, we have classified all films in the MNTNFILM database with a system especially thought for mountain films.
The MNTNFILM film classification considers the following variables:
1. Genre and subgenre
Genre identifies the type of film based on the cinematographic language and style. Subgenre adds a more concrete stylistic classification. MNTNFILM genres are:
• Drama:
Narration through staged images and with the participation of actors who play characters. The subgenre specifies the type of drama: biographical, romantic, action, comedy, war, etc.
• Documentary:
Narration of facts or a story mainly without any staging but with actual footage, interviews, testimonies, and other film media to illustrate the story.
• Docufiction:
Documentary that tells a fictional story. Apparently it is a documentary, but the story is not real.
• Docudrama:
Production in a documentary style but mostly using staged images to tell the story.
• Animation film:
Dramatized narration through synthetic images (drawn, modeled, animated...).
• Artistic or experimental film:
Film production without a narrative or documentary purpose.
2. Story's origin
It defines if the story is real or made up:
• Fiction:
A totally made up story. Example: Vertical limit (2000). Action film with a 100% fiction argument.
• Inspired fiction:
A story inspired by real characters or facts. Although fiction, it keeps, to some extent, a certain link with the real story. Example: Les etoiles de midi (1959). Even though facts didn't occur exactly how explained in the film, they are all based on real stories.
• Real characters:
A mostly made up story but in a real context or with characters that existed in real life. Example: The challenge (1938). Although the story has some reality touch, mostly it's made up, but the main characters and context are real.
• True story:
Characters and story are mostly true to real life. In the case of documentary, the degree of fiction tends to be minimal or, somehow, non existent. Drama, due to its staging, always holds a certain degree of fiction (made up dialogues, imprecise situations, etc). Example: Into thin air (1997). The story of the 1996 Everest tragedy. Characters and facts are Jon Krakauer's account of what happened. But, dramatisation inevitably introduces a certain degree of imprecision.
• Book:
The story, real or not, is the adaptation of a previous literary work. Example: Der Berg Ruft (1938), based on the novel Der Kampf ums Matterhorn, by Carl Haensel.
3. Film themes
It refers to which disciplines or thematic aspects related to climbing or mountaineering appear in the film (rock climbing, ice climbing, deep water soloing, mountaineering, bouldering, ski mountaineering, mountain rescue...).